Natural Oil Blend for Uric Acid, Inflammation, and Craving Relief

This powerful oil blend is designed to reduce uric acid levels, relieve inflammation, and curb cravings naturally. With a combination of joint-supporting oils and calming essential oils, this remedy promotes relaxation and overall well-being.


One tablespoon Fish Oil – Supports joint health and alleviates anxiety
One tablespoon Celery Seed Oil – Helps reduce uric acid levels and inflammation
Three to four drops Bergamot Essential Oil – Manages cravings and relieves anxiety
Three to four drops Lavender Essential Oil – Promotes relaxation and curbs cravings
One tablespoon Coconut OilDilutes essential oils and aids absorption


1️⃣ In a small bowl, mix together the fish oil and celery seed oil
2️⃣ Add bergamot and lavender essential oils to the blend and stir well
3️⃣ Incorporate the coconut oil to dilute the essential oils and improve absorption
4️⃣ Massage a few drops onto areas experiencing inflammation such as joints
5️⃣ For cravings relief, inhale the aroma or apply a small amount to pulse points
6️⃣ For anxiety relief, gently rub onto temples to promote relaxation

This natural remedy can help manage uric acid levels, joint pain, and stress-induced cravings while supporting overall health. Try it and experience its benefits firsthand.

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